I want to shout out to @ShivaandJaya who have been so kind to me... also to all of my fantastic followers! Follow On!
Twittering cats isn't really a new thing, @sockington was the original tweeting cat and he deserves the title! That grey cat is one of the most funny creatures I've ever seen. The post's picture is of Sockington himself and his twitter page. Remember, if you want a closer look just click on the pic! After that tons of cats began to tweet and dogs too *blah! dogs* . So come join us, all you cats that yearn to speak bird, and have the ride of your life!
If you have a twitter and wish to follow me, see my twitter page @catinaseaofdogs. If you don't have a twitter yet you can still follow the link and set up a twitter page for yourself... and even if you don't want a twitter you can still read all my tweets!
Happy twittering to all!
cool :) I am following you now on twitter. Have a wonderful day!